Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Day 15: On the road again... to Asheville, NC

We had a series of prolonged and tearful goodbyes when we had to part ways with the Hebbels. Though we were only in Hilton Head for a short while, everyone was so welcoming that we truly felt like a part of the community!

Our first order of business for the day was taking the RVs to Walmart for oil changes. After two hours and two different locations, we finally got them serviced and got on the road again to Asheville, NC

The ride was pretty bumpy, and if you'll allow me to share a fun little anecdote about our company.... sometimes we call our project "Project Nauseous" instead of "Project Knowledge." Unless you're the driver, RVs pretty much give everyone a bad case of motion sickness. Without fail, on every long drive, at least one person has uttered the words, "Project knowledge? More like Project Nausea..." Luckily it never manifests itself in an outward form...

In our disheveled states, we arrived at our RV camp that just so happens to have a breathtaking view of Asheville. The RV camp also happens to have yurts for rent. Amy and Brad decided to get one, and all of us have consequently become obsessed with them. On a side note, we're getting in to the east coast leg of our tour, so we've had to make some changes in our wardrobe. Take a look at the pictures below to see which one of us has taken to wearing earmuffs to combat the cold!

We then went to a Vegan restaurant in the downtown area called Rosetta's. The food was really really good and we had a great roundtable discussion in preparation for our meeting in the morning with Scott Walters and our afternoon discussion with his students. We can't wait!

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