Sunday, April 12, 2009

Transcendence Artist Project-Week 6

This week we learned the philosophy of Anusara yoga with our yoga specialists Matt and Jen. Through this practice we explored the idea that the body/mind is a gift to help us discover our glory, our greatness, and our worthiness to experience the highest sense of freedom. Anusara yoga was a perfect discipline for our minds, bodies, and spirits!

In addition to practicing yoga, we engaged in another service project with a family who is dedicated to feeding the impoverished children of Maneadero, Mexico. We helped serve the children breakfast and had a wonderful time playing games and singing songs together. As we dedicate ourselves more and more to serving the local community, our love and unity as a group grows. We are so grateful we have been able to make service to others the major focus and underlying purpose of all that we do!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy, I really enjoyed reading all your posts and my body is literally fluttering with excitement for what you guys are doing. It's so cool! I'm really proud of all of you.
